That started in March, 2010 and although it hasn't exactly been "videos gone viral," it has turned into something we never expected. We answer over 100 questions a month through e-mail, and have 53,000 views of our "Ask Mom Series" and "Reality Check" videos. Girls roughly age 10-18 are our demographic and they ask everything from..."When will I start my period?, "How can I know if he likes me?", "My friends are involved in risky do I help them?", "What will happen at my first gyno appt.?", "Help, I think I'm pregnant!", "How do I get out of an abusive relationship?", and the most common question, "How do I talk to my mom about _____?"
Having a 13 year old daughter now it has really opened my eyes to the importance of staying connected and being available every day. I've learned that I have to earn and keep her trust, and spend the time with her that allows me the opportunity to bring up the big and little topics that are current to her world. It is so easy to forget that puberty and beyond is familiar to us since we have been down that path...but it is 100% new, embarrassing, and a bit scary to the child just entering those years.
I feel so thankful that we get to be a little part of their experience as we give them simple advice and encourage them to seek out an adult in their life that they can confide in. So, if you have been wondering where we have been...come check out our videos on Youtube. If you have a teenage daughter introduce her to our videos and use them as a way to start discussions. You can find us on our Youtube channel...
Someday soon we'll be back in the saddle here at Life Laugh Latte as well. Happy New Year Friends!

I've missed you guys! I wondered what had happened to you. It appears that divine providence has led you in a totally unexpected direction. What a wonderful mission. I will check out your channel now...
Sure do miss you ladies, but am impressed with your good works. I wish I could have a period so I could join in, too.
I wondered what was keeping you busy! I love the concept. It is similar to what I wanted to do with my blog, only for the older crowd that was my daughters age!
I'm glad you are having success...we do miss you around here!
How awesome. I have a 13 yr old, we are close, but sometimes it is so hard to get "in" to what she is thinking!!!
I miss you though!
I have DEF. missed you two!!
Even though I don't have a teenage daughter, I'm sure your videos are WELL worth watching :) ... headed to check them out now.
COOOOOL! I was wondering where you were! :-) Just checked you out on Youtube. Turns out, I've been a long time subscriber! xD
Love this idea! :) And love your videos! Great work you two! :)
So glad you two loonies are helping always gave me a laugh!! Hope you are back soon or at least just make a pit stop!
Miss Bloomers
I wondered what happened to you guys--and while I miss you I am stoked at your endeavors!! That's wonderful. You give good advice with humor I just know it...
Hi my Name is Ashley I just wanted to let u know that I have been reading your blog from the beginning for the last 2days. It started like a week ago I was on YouTube just playing around looking up things when I came across a video of u guys. I watched it loved it after that one I couldn’t resist I had to watched another. well then I seen something about you guys had a channel so I went to it and found that u had 177 videos. I subscribed to your channel then went to the beginning and stated to watch them. While watching one of your video’s the other day a friend of mine videoed called me though Skype I told her let’s just type I’m watching YouTube video’s I found. We continued to insect message each other and after a couple of mins she asked me what I was watching. I told her that it was a channel that I ran across called lifelaughlattle It was two women that r best friends and has been for several years and they do a lot of different videos on a lot of different topics some of them are funny and other ones are secures. She respond that’s cool. And I said yah you should look it up and tell me what you think. I told her that you are christen women just like we are. Then she said ok and next thing I know she was telling me she was watching the what not to wear video. So we continued to message each other but know we’re talking about the videos and I told her that you have your email address at the bottom of the videos so your followers can email you with questions. Anyway that was more of a side not I swear I’m A.D.D at times lol about how I told my friend. But I kept hearing you guys talking about your blog but I didn’t know u still had it until I was reading some comments that was let under videos and you said that your daughter watch the videos and her friends and their parents know what you guys do but your daughter isn’t allowed to read the lifelaughlatte blog or something like that well on the side of your channel I seen the other day the link to lifelaughlatte so I went to it became a follower and that’s when I started to read from the beginning your guys blog while sipping on my latte hope u continue what you guys are doing both on the blog and on YouTube you guys are truly amazing you make my day when I read your blog weather its funny or secures it makes my day and o hear is a award for u I don’t know if u still do it but I deeply believe you desire it and so much more.
Love you guys biggest Follower
And web friend Ashley Pickerell
p.s. I hope I don’t sound like a stoker cuz I defiantly am not
and sorry if I sound that way
I couldn't seem to find any other areas here to post comments (or rather send private messages) so I will just post here. I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your videos on Youtube. I am a single father of two (a soon to be 14 year old girl who is developmentally delayed and a 12 year old son)who has been raising his kids alone for the past year. Ater my wife walked out on the kids and I things changed obviously and I grew even closer to my children as I looked to help them through the pain. My daughter especially has felt the void that my wife left and even though I have my parents (who we live with) and women friends from church it is nice to have videos like this that she can watch. You two are amazing. Your fun, kind, sweet, helpful just everything I need! Thank you so much for what you do! Even though I have a vey open and honest relationship with my kids (even before my wife left I had been really close to my kids-after God they are the most important thing in my life!)it is nice to have other avenues that my daughter can turn to. Please keep up the videos and be encouraged that they are helping out many young women like my daughter. Thanks.
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