Sunday, January 10, 2010

Disneyland & Dexatrim...

Can you figure out the link between Disneyland and Dexatrim? It will make you laugh, touch your heart, and make you question if indeed it is a good thing to have more than what we need.

Thanks for coming by...and please don't leave without saying hello!


Bibi @ Bibi's Culinary Journey said...

What a sad, sweet and funny story rolled in one.

My kids used to have everything they wanted and I don't think they even realized how much they had till their dad lost his job and suddenly everything was gone overnight.Expensive trips, impulse buys, eating out, designer clothing...We are claiming back up, but I don't think my kids will ever forget last 12 months and I don't think they will ever take anything for granted. When I think back I would do it all over again just for that.

Cathy said...

That is a great story! So sweet that she did everything she could to make it a great experience for her son(even if it did involve appetite suppresents!).

Sue said...

How sweet. We took our kids to Disney World many times (my parents live in Florida) and I think they realized that we had to "watch do that" while we traveled. My kids still order water most of the time and even now will look at me when they get ready to order food just to "clear it" if someone else is paying. We did nice things, but not always easily. I have to wonder what many of today's kids are going to do if they ever really do have to go without...or if they don't get everything they want.


Stephanie said...

Love that story! How precious that he was able to take his kids years later. Did he take his mom too? I agree that kids today are so much more spoiled.
I was just telling someone last week that when I was a kid I waited all year to watch The Wizard of Oz and The Sound of Music on TV. We would put our jammies on and pop popcorn and make a night of it. Now? They have practically any movie at their fingertips. Brats! LOL

Tami G said...

Sweet story and so VERY typical of kids today...well mine at least!! Bless his heart he has NOOOOO idea what sacrifice is.
Of course neither did I until I had a child of my own either ;-)

Lothiriel said...

That is a sweet story. He was able to take his kids later and bought them all kinds of stuff. Sometimes, I am like that with my baby and she's only 3 months. I was dirt poor growing up and now I want her to have EVERYTHING. And I know that is not right. I know that I should teach her right, and give her things, but not spoil her.
I understand him completely when he tooks his kids to Disneyland.

Formerly known as Frau said...

I love that story...I think one of the hardest jobs parents have today is teaching our kids to appreciate what they have. Back in my day ( I love saying that) you just knew not to ask and be did I just know? Happy New Year hope both your families had a wonderful Holiday season!

ScoMan said...

That whole story was just.. awesome. The mother who sacrificed for her kid and the time they had together. The son who all these years later appreciates it and knows his kids will never appreciate it the same way he does.

It's just one of those stories that I guess.. it's just life and how everything's changed I guess.

Thank you for sharing that with us.

Unknown said...

I loved that story! What a sacrifice but what love!

Too funny about the Dexatrim. My mom always had something called Aids (before the onset of HIV) in the fridge. They were like chocolate chewy appetite suppressants. I would steal them all of the time. No wonder I was such a scrawny kid!

Corrie Howe said...

Like everyone else, I love this story. What a great memory he has over time spent with his mother. What a wonderful woman. I'm touched to hear that you still have high regard for her even now.

Tattoos and Teething Rings said...


My husband and I both grew up really poor and even now I wouldn't say we're doing great but we're definitely in a better position to do things for our kids. We went to Disneyland for the first time last year, it was such a treat.


i can't listen to your story b/c my baby girl is asleep a foot away from me but i have disney stories this week too.

Stephanie Faris said...

I never tried Dexatrim but I did the whole Metabolife thing back in the 90s and my heart started racing and my knees were shaking. I was told that Dexatrim was like that, only worse. I can't imagine taking that, eating nothing, and running around Disneyland all day!

Lee said...

So, I was listening and watching and then my blog designer called and I had to turn you down...sorry!! But, I'm down now and we are trying to get me moved to my new digs!!

Martha said...

That is a great story! It is so easy for us to overindulge our children. I am working very hard to re-educate my daughter on needs vs wants. She is embracing thrift shops, and now instead of asking to go to Target or Hallmark... she asks to go to the Goodwill/Salvation Army (she is in search of Webkinz that she does not have - so this is a great place to look and find them cheaply!)

nope said...

What a great story. I kid you not, as I was listening to this, my son came over and asked me if I could have anything in the world what would it be? I said for our family to take a big vacation together. His answer? To have unlimited wishes so he could just keep getting things. Errrrrrr!!

Anonymous said...

how sad and funny all at the same time. that was a very sweet thing your aunt did...even with appetite suppresants. :)

mommy to six J's said...

What a sweet story, I grew up in California and my parent;s would drop me off for the day. My kids still have not gone to Disneyland hoping someday but just like you said it is so expensive now...

Holly Lefevre said...

That is really a sweet story. I often think about the fact that at least at this point my kids have really no idea what true sacrifice is. I try to explain it, but it doesn't work. I tell them the story of my Granny living in an abandoned box car during the depression...and I get blank stares. I think he is to young at this point. I know he will get it one day...I finally did.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Absolute sweet and full of heart!!!

Liz in Virginia said...

Fabulous story, as usual.

My brother-in-law's family had a slightly different reaction when they scrimped and scraped to put together a trip to Disney World -- their oldest two daughters (mid-teens) got very angry and said they shouldn't even consider taking such an extravagant trip when money was so tight; the girls were upset that their parents would consider ignoring necessities while planning a frivolous and expensive trip.

Pretty mature teens if you ask me.

Unknown said...

This is such a real and true story. I didn't get much growing up so I appreciate all I have now. But now my kids get everything!!!

I Wonder Wye said...

I also loved this. Tell more Auntie stories.....

j said...

The story was SO touching. And you are so right - my kids sort of kind of appreciate some things, but not a lot. They just don't know what their Dad goes through in a day of work to provide for them.

One day my daughter went to work with her dad and the impression that she brought home from that experience was Dad said an angry cuss word when on the phone.


Jackie said...

Nice story. I remember when my parents took me and my sister to Disney World. It was the best trip ever, and I'm really hoping my son enjoys it when we take him in 2 years. I'm going to make sure to take my parents with too because I know they wouldn't want to miss this for anything.