Thursday, January 7, 2010

I Want...

*My mouth to be filled with gentle, thoughtful, encouraging words*

*Authentic moments of connection with the people I love*

*Eyes to see, and a willing heart to respond to the needs in our community*

*To be inspired by great books while enjoying a warm blanket and a latte*

*My children to know how deeply they are loved*

*A sense of accomplishment, and a well defined purpose*

*A new adventure*

*To feel content with what I have...and Thankful*

What do you want?


Liz in Virginia said...

I want to laugh, to learn, to lean on friends when I need to, to leap even when I am afraid.

Tattoos and Teething Rings said...

I want to trust in myself more and treat each day as a blessing.

Anonymous said...

peace and forgiveness. after that, the rest will come.

Martha said...

That is beautiful... I love "to feel content with what I have"!!!

Bibi @ Bibi's Culinary Journey said...

I want to feel that my life has a purpose and meaning. I want to laugh more and cry less. I want to make difference in peoples lives. I want to be a better human being.

Unknown said...

To stop worrying or fretting over the minor stuff and be in the here and now.

To grow, spiritually. I've been stagnant of late.

And to love else could someone do likewise with us?

Great post!

Anonymous said...

I want exactly what you want! Wow, that was inspirational. Thank you and happy Thursday!

Ed said...

All mushy and pretty and girlie and stuff.

Tami G said...

I love your list and pics!
I want to stop being my own worst enemy!

Lothiriel said...

See, this is why I follow you!!! I love reading stuff like this. I wish I were more classy and stuff; but I'm not, so I come to read stuff like this to make me feel inspired.

I want exactly what you posted! =)

Holly Lefevre said...

I want all of those things you mention, plus the ability to pause and enjoy each moment to the fullest and hang on to the memory of it.


PS-I would be so excited for you all to do a road trip or a meet half way..whatever would be great! I a slow in responding still. Sorry!

Holly Lefevre said...

I want all of those things you mention, plus the ability to pause and enjoy each moment to the fullest and hang on to the memory of it.


PS-I would be so excited for you all to do a road trip or a meet half way..whatever would be great! I a slow in responding still. Sorry!

Millennium Housewife said...

All of those! And a glass of wine, we've given up for January.

Allison said...

Such a great post! I especially want my son to feel loved and my hubby too. I want to come to an understanding with myself- I want to love me like I love my family.

Matty said...

Good health, happiness for me and my family, and warm weather.

ScoMan said...

Like a lot of people, the only thing I'm thinking right now is "I want another week off"

So many plans. So many things not done. The holidays are never long enough.

Jackie said...

Beautiful post. I want all of this and happiness and health for my family.

Tiz said...

I realize I want all the things you mentioned in my life.....Jesus IS ALL these things in my life. He IS my life. That is rest!!!!!

Great post. Tiz

Chanda the Eco-Cheap Mom said...

What a lovely post and such a thought provoker! I want all of the above, plus to deepen my relationship with God. It's kind of strange for me to type those words...but feels good to put them out there!

Thanks for stopping by my blog today! I'm glad you "found" me. I'm your newest follower and I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts!

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

I'll take what you're having!

Beautiful, beautiful post!!!!!

Unknown said...

What an inspirational post. I love this stuff. THANK YOU!

Healthy Shift Worker said...

A good book, warm blanket and a latte - couldn't think of anything better!

Except maybe a Mocha! (Yikes - don't mean to offend my Latte friends!!)

Unknown said...

Lovely. Glad I found you. Just in the nick of time too! My kitchen is overflowing with dirty dishes and there is a load of rags in the washing machine that are growing mold, as we speak. A little introspection is just what I need when I start to feel a little bit of a failure on the outside.

I will not be defined by my dirty kitchen!

Denise Burks

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I want to go after my dreams so my son knows what that looks like!

elvira pajarola said...

......BEAUTIFUL THOUGHTS....I love to be inspired like this....!!
ciao ciao elvira

j said...

I want *echo* *ditto* and "me too". Nothing to add cause you handled this topic nicely.

Just A Normal Mom said...

Sign me up for all of those things! Especially the contentment.

Tara Bass said...

Great post guys...

This year I want to use my Super Powers for GOOD.