Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Family Of Friends

My hope is to let you in on an amazing journey called friendship. You may have one great friend, a circle of friends, or a family member that you experience a special connection with. Or, maybe you're just looking for a friend to share all of life's ups and downs.

Together, Charisse and I aspire to show you glimpses of Life that will give you hope. A chance to Laugh at our conversations videotaped during our weekly Latte right here in my home in California.

You see we think friendship should be a soft place to fall, a kick in the rear, a bulging belly of laughter, and a fresh perspective. Friends don't always agree...but they listen, embrace, and persevere. I think you'll find that although friendship rarely looks perfect, navigating life with a friend has a sweetness to it that you will quickly come to depend on!

I am blessed to have a "Family of Friends". A community of women that understand and love me for who I really am. It is so easy to love these women. They are vulnerable with their lives, laugh loudly, cry tenderly, want to be all that God has created them to be. Their stories make me love them more, especially the ones where they are out of control, handle things wrong, question their faith, try and fail. It just makes me feel so much less alone.

When I see their talents I feel like celebrating! One friend sings like an angel and writes beautiful music, another heals with her touch and humor, one has wisdom and a peace about her that she doesn’t even see, another is my running partner and confidant, one laughs at all my jokes and is like a sister, one is in a rock band and leads worship at church, another has a beautiful gift of hospitality, one is so authentic with her emotions that her tears flow and we feel lucky to be the people in her life that get to see them. Together we laugh until our sides ache!

In their eyes I’ve seen bravery, creativity, sorrow, loneliness, fear, tenderness, anger, disappointment, understanding, and a determination to bring a glimpse of God's compassion into each others lives. I’m struck, even writing this now, at how fortunate I am. I’m still learning how to sit and breathe in the intense moments of friendship and be fully present. To listen more and speak less, to validate, encourage and trust God has a plan and a path.

I wouldn’t trade these women for all this world has to offer. They are each an amazing treasure in my life! Does your soul long for this kind of connection? Then come on over and hang out with us. There's plenty of room for you on the couch, and a delicious hot latte with your name written all over it! Thanks friend for reading our very first blog post.

Love, Holly & Charisse


John said...

What a beautiful site. I can't wait to read your stories!!

Unknown said...

wow... a soft place to fall - says so much :) You are a good friend....

Unknown said...

Looks great! Very sweet message.

Liz in Virginia said...

Sisters of my soul! Thank you so much for finding me and leading me here!

Kristin said...

How full you lives are to have such a collection of friends around you! I have to admit to being jealous as for all the good things in my life, I do not have anything resembling that.

I look forward to enjoying your blog!